Friday, October 24, 2008

Assassination for All Iraqi Interpreters.....Have the United States did it on purpose............for me, they did on purpose...

Assassination for All Iraqi Interpreters

I'm so sorry about what the MNF-I (Multi-National Force in Iraq) commander did few days ago......

He made the decision of assassinate for all Iraqi Interpreters!!! Yes He did it, and nobody knows why he issued that decision........
There is no clarification of this decision except, trying hard to enforce us to get out from this job by ourself, they don't like to say.......or actually they cannot do it directly, so they do it in diplomatic way as Americans did always.

They issued a new rule say:


It's like they want to say :


Yes, that was the truth, and I challenge any body has ability to give me another reason that make this commander took decision such this.
But believe me or not..........from the beginning, we had knew such thing will happen to us after withdrawal of CA(collision forces)? We had knew either if our people will not kill us and will forgive us it will be countries, agencies, organization, special groups, or even the IG(Iraqi Government) will still looking for us and kill us, we had knew it will be one day, the database of hiring company of local interpreters will steal.........and that happened few days's not a rumor and there is no need to bother your POC to enforce him to call the company and ask them is something like this happened or not................there is no smoke without fire.................
400 names had stolen from database system in BAGHDAD in that fortified zone as they call's not by accident..........what do you thing when you hired local employees in corporation in charge originally of hiring local interpreters..............does that make sense????????!!!!!.
Friend of mine, He is working outside of Baghdad, he got question by commender of company...........that commander told him, depends on new rule from division commander of CA, Interpreters no more allow to put on mask to cover his face........, when he ask him , why? What's the idea behind this stupid decision? He gave him unaccepted excuse...........He says, the situation is getting better, and people should feel of security gainings!........and he added: and to let the ISF (Iraqi security Forces) feel better by showing them by take the mask off, that we trust them...................
What the hell is going on??????????????
does that make sense??????????
why Mr. Commander you did that? All that because you don't like Iraqis immigrant to states? Or,you want to hear the interpreters say: ok I'll put the mask, and then you will have good reason to fire him? Or you did it for IRAQ? Or it's the latest technique to decrease the amount of Interpreters No., or it's new way to get rid of all interpreters!!!
I'd like to hear from you!!!!!!!!!I know no more guys read my blog as I didn't update it from a long time, but I'd like to hear from you, give me just one reasonable reason my reader, give one reasonable reason American citizen ! Give me one reasonable reason human beings enforce that commander made decision like this.........
believe me or not, when I begun this job, I was know very well, that the death will be our faith, so it doesn't matter no more... I'll continue work until the last breath, not for the Iraq, not for the SIV, not for the Americans................but For live(for the money that I use to feed my family)
I know 99% of Iraqis and Arabs, right now say: you deserve it, that's the end of each traitor..spy.. agent...but I don't care, I'm who I'm...
I'm proud of what I did(personally I'm really proud), I'm proud not because I collaborate with the occupier and proud because I serve my country, nooooooooooooooo

I'm proud because:

I didn't steal anything before or after 2003 at all...
I didn't hurt anybody, Iraqi or non-Iraqi...
My hand doesn't get mixed with Iraqi blood, I didn't shoot even blank round against any animal...
I didn't persecute anybody in my life...
I don't have hostility against any one...
I didn't make fake degree certification just to be employ in this ministry or that office.
I didn't give bribe to take something not belong to me and it's not my right.
I'm not one of the persons who assassinate the University Professors, Doctors, Merchants, teacher, servants, workers, or the life in Iraq in direct way or indirectly(bombs ...etc..)
I'm not one of the parliaments who they urge the great young guys to fight each others and kill each others while he is stay sitting down on his chair office.
I'm not one of the SOI leader who made big fortune by contract he made with Americans or IG...
I'm not that mercenary guy who kills people for money..........

believe me Mr. Commander...I know my people more than you, I will not say...either I love Iraq and I work for it nor I love America and work for's common interest, I like my job, because easily, It gave me another chance to be least for one more minute...I like anything will give one more minute to be alive in the country of Death.

But one day, the truth will appear

For more details:


Anonymous said...

The truth has already appeared, you are learning what most 'informed' people already know about the Americans. Once they are done with you, bye, bye, have you not watched what happened in Vietnam when they 'bugged out'.

RhusLancia said...

You're an honorable man, I-T. Quit, or ask to be transferred where masks are still allowed. That's a stupid decision by the commander. Even if things are better, there will always be Iraq's bitter enemies hiding in the shadows and wishing to do harm to you and your family. There's a difference between standing up to your foes and taking unnecessary risks. How that commander can ignore your safety is beyond me to explain. Is it just your area of operations? God, I hope the order didn't come from higher up.

OK, read the article you linked. Looks like it's MND-B. Dang. But here:

"Cheadle is adamant that no interpreters will be forced to work without a mask. If they feel uncomfortable, they are welcome to move to an area where they feel safer — even if it means leaving MND-B."

Do it- move. My two cents.

Anonymous said...

Oh dear...I'm really sorry for you and your colleagues...but the thing I think you have to blame for is that you knew this would happen one day from early beginning.

By the way, your work with the occupiers is not to help your country and people but it is to help them to kill your people and devastate your country.

As we say here "IFLIT" !!!!

iraqi-translator said...

I agree with kind of what you say.

rhuslancia........don't worry,but know it's not rumor, they even tell the new hire interpreters about this new rule before even taking the test.

Baghdad's Kassakhoon
I agreed with the first and last paragraph, but disagree strongly with middle one.
we will not talk about the label " occupiers" because they already say that, even the united nation say that, but the biggest eqution will be for this phrase:
" it is to help them to kill your people and devastate your country"

I have no idea what to say here except ""NO COMMENT, one day, the truth will appear""

Thanks for all of you ladies and gentlemen for your comments.

neurotic_wife said...

HE WHAT???ARE THEY CRAZY??? Why dont you petition it IT???Why dont you bring it up to some Iraqi person? Or better still the media! Im serious. I know Iraqis wont care, but the media would. Try, dont give up.

And btw, never ever think you are a collaborator. NEVER.

iraqi-translator said...

Hi Neo...........thanks to be here, I appreciate.....
ok Neo.....he said it Neo! He said it clearly! so, why he had taken decision like that...
I'm not Pessimistic, but beleive me, sometimes , you need to take a risk...I was like more body without soul, almost dead body...
so no matter right now, I'm dead dead here or at home...
I'll continue till the last breath...
but I kind of change the plan...will see, and read the next post, it will be interesting and funny!!!

waleed muner dylan said...

السلام عليكم
والله اخي العزيز الترجمة حلوة ويوم واحد تتكلم مع اجانب بلغتهم الانجليزية ممكن تستفاد منه اكثر من شهر وانت تقرا كتاب انجليزي لكن الترجمة مع الامريكان بالرغم من الماديات فلا أضن اني اتحملهم وهو مثلا يحققون مع عراقي مقاوم او بريء مئة بالمئة من تهمة الاعتداء عليهم لان من يقوم بعمل ضدهم يكون مستعدا ان يتحمل نتائج عمله مرة اعتقلوني اصدقائي الامريكان من مقهى انترنت وكتبت علينا قناة العراقية بالساب تايتل بتاعها اعتقال احد عشر ارهابيا في مقهى انترنت في مدينة .... وانت تعرف اكثر من غيرك ماحصل وما ممكن ان يحصل من قبلهم يعني من الصبح لي نصاص الليالي بس نسمع نسل راسك نسل راسك لان الراس المرفوع يؤذي مشاعرهم والساعة الثالثة بعد منتصف الليل جلبوا مراهق عراقي عمره 16 سنة ويرتدي شحاطة اكبر من حجم رجليه ومغمس في الطين والوحل وتعال عبر وترجم لنا لن انسى منظره وهو مكسور الجناح ومقيد الايدي ومعصوب العينين وذليل الى ابعد الحدود لم اتذكر حينها امه وحزنها وابيه واخوانه واخواته انما تذكرت ولدي الذي هو في نفس عمره الم تواجهك مثل هذه المواقف التي لاتحسد عيها ولا تعوضها اية مخصصات على وجه الارض . تحياتي كنت اتمنى ان اكتب لك اكثر .