Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Iraqi Interpreters deserve more than Assassination(2009Happy new year 2009)

farewell 2008
Here we are living the last minutes in 2008,I cannot consider this year as the worst year in my life, at least, I still alive, and that’s really enough to say it was just another year…in Great Iraq(Alhamdu lelaah).
In career, this is the worst one, In this year they banned the mask, and that was the biggest event for us as Interpreter. In this year I worked with really great team I’ve ever seen, I worked with high rank officer, It was great chance to me to be more close to my people and to discover how my people think, and what’s going on in this country!.How the Americans deal with their counterparts and how the Iraqis work and deal with their counterpart from CF(coalition forces).
In this year, many weird thing happened, on of these thing was: when you dicover like a person has accused by many murders of Iraqi innocents, but after few days, you seen him not just seen but also sit down with him on the same food ceremony table, I never got feeling such this before.
In this year, I went to range to shoot, not with AK 47! But this time was with M4, what a wonderful weapon is!
In this year also, I discovered that the US Army has a good percent of Muslims and Iraqis!!.
I worked with two of them, they were really great.
I will leave bad memories and turn to good once:
Two things happened to me this year: I really proud that I made real friendship with a little….very little of my coworkers, I gained two friends, friends I will never forget even if they forget me…
The other thing and the most important thing is……..I found my life partner!!! what a great feeling is this!!!, if I will alive, I will marry her, She is great and beautiful, smart and brilliant…I think it is a gift from Allah (God) !! I really appreciate this…wow.

Welcome 2009
Yes, 2009 will be the most difficult and last year to me…
They will begin this year with another assassination to Iraqis Interpreters…Official paper came to Interpreters Manager say:

“depend on the SOFA(Iraqi – American Agreement), the GOI considers the Iraqi local interpreters as Iraqi citizen working in a foreign company, so the GOI will take tax from them, about 20% !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and they (Iraqi interpreters) have to fill a form about their information, name…address and all biographic data, to let Ministry Of Finance put them in its system !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! “

I really shocked when I heard, the Government Of Iraq left everything and turn its face to Iraqi Interpreter!! …what the hell is going on???, when I decided to work as interpreters, I’ve known that one day, they will sell all our information to any person(special group….JAM….AL-Qa’ida….country….GOI…) will pay much money to has the database, but I never expected it will be in this quick and this way, and to whom!!!!!!!!!!!! Minister Of Finance( previously was: Minister Of Interior who accused of many sect crimes and many murders).
Yes, that the real face of Americans.... and Iraqis… and I don't blaim them!!!
You know… I can go ahead and fill that form…but what about my family !what about my relatives and my house, who will take care of them…? Who will protect them from GOI guys and BAQIR JBR SOLAGH guys(BAQIR JBR SOLAGH is the name of minister of Finance).
Many question in my mind!!! If they are looking for the tax, they can take it from our corporation and that is it….but why they want us to fill information form!!!!!!!!!!! why !!!!!!!!!!!and for whom interest that happens? I really don’t know…
I think we reached to the end…..I have a friend always says: The Game Almost Over.
I think so…
Have a good and great new year and always feel regretful because you are not in Iraq!!!!! …2009 will be the most challenge year in my whole life…see you “Insha’a Allah”.




They postponed the taxes to 29 January, but they got new way to get us out, one, now they say:you have to do medical examination to continue do your job!!!!! now you remember??? Medical Examination!!!!, friend of mine got termination because he didn't pass that medical examination...I'm realy upset, and realy missing him....they just told him, you didn't pass, you have some trouble in your lungs!!!!He never ever smoke a cigarette in his whole life....!!! I don't know what to say....

Thursday, November 27, 2008

عيد الشكر...

عيد الشكر...

نعم هذا ما يطلقون عليه...يمكنك قراءة المزيد عن هذا العيد او بالأحرى اليوم في موسوعة ويكيبيديا
اليوم هو عيد الشكر في امريكا و كندا، لا اعلم ان كانت الطائفة المسيحية في العراق يحتفلون بهذا العيد ام لا، لك لا اعتقد...قد نرى الجواب في التعليقات؟
بالنسبة لي، كان يجب ان أقرأ عن هذا الموضوع، لإن في مناسبات كهذه، يكون هنالك دعوة للقادة العراقيين و شيوخ العشائر و الوجهاء، و بالتالي، سوف يتسآلون عن ماهية العيد و لماذا،و كيف و كل هذه الأسئلة، و بالتالي من الذي سيجيب على هذه الأسئلة؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟ بالطبع المترجم...
الأمر جيد نوعاً ما، فقد قرأت ما يكفي عن هذا الموضوع...الطريف في الأمر، أن يوم الأحتفال هذه المرة سوف يشمل شريحة جديدة علينا...!
نعم، أنهم الصحوة،او ما يُطلق عليهم، ابناء العراق، فقد اصبحوا الآن من الأحباب و الحلفاء! فمرحباً بهم...
هنالك طرفة أخرى حصلت معي في احدى المناسبات الأحتفالية كما اسميها، أذكر مرة من المرات، ان الشيوخ كانوا مدعووين إلى احدى الولائم، طبعاً كما تعلمون، ففي المطعم الأمريكي، يوجد كل انواع الأطعمة و المشروبات، من ضمن المشروبات هذه، ما يسمى البيرة، بغض النظر عن ما يسميها البعض بيرة اسلامية او غير الأسلامية... رأيت الشيخ توجه إلى البراد و اخذ منها، فتوجهت له مباشرةً لأقول له، شيخنا، ترة هذه بيرة...و فعلاً كان الجواب رائع منه، صدمني بقوة، قال:اعرف قابل ما اعرف،اشايفنة منفتهم!!!
لكن مع الأسف لكوني لا اتعض من هذه المواقف لازلت اعمل نفس الأمر، في كل مرة، و صدق او لا تصدق الأجابة واحدة...على كولة احد اخواننا الزملاء يكوووووول: عراقي متتعض اذا مو بالرزالة متمشي، اظاهر هوة صح، زين لتسوي شين متشوف.............
خلي انشوف، هالمرة كيف حيكون عيد الشكر، و كيف هي مظاهر الأحتفال...تدرون، فعلاً احس، انه احنة وين و بغداد وين، يعني هل فعلاً احنة بنفس العراق...من اشوف هذا البذخ، أيبااااااااااااه، لو بيدي، لا اخلي الناس كلهة تشتغل ويا الأمريكان!!!شنووووووووشنووووووووووووو
متا اسمع.........................
هااااااااااااااتكول :خسة، قابل كلهة عملاء مثلك.

لا لا، بهاي اوافقك بيهة تماماً، انت على حق...
ماشي يابة، اشوفك بخير،
بالمناسبة...احدى المرات في أثناء دخولي المنطقة الخضراء الساعة السادسة فجراً، تعرف كم من الوقت ظليت انتظر لحين دخولي؟!تقريباً ١٥ دقيقة.............لإن السرة كان كلش طويل............اظاهر عملاء اهواية يشتغلون بالمنطقة الخضراء إذ مو الشعب كلة...
تصبحون على خير أغاتي...
يرادنة موضوع على الشيوخ، شيبووووووووووني هذولة الشيوخ و الله.
اكيد ما اكدر اختم، إذا ما ارسل رسالة خاصة، إلى العزيزة الغالية...رسائلج كلهة وصلت، و متتوقعين مدى فرحتي عندما فتحتهة، صدكيني و بدون حلفان، من ارجع من كل مهمة، اول شغلة اسويهة، اشوف صندوق الرسائل... ورة كل هذا تسأليني:اشتاقيتلي لو لا؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟!!!!!سؤال ما إلة اجابة، لإن الأشتياق كلمة قليلة بحقج...صدكيني مكدرت اتحمل من انقطعتي عني الأيام السابقة لكن، مكان باليد حيلة، كان لازم التزم بالقرار الي اتخذتة، لمصلحتج و الله شاهد...على كل حال، هسة اشلون صرتي، اكيد زينة، ان شاء الله...زين، ليش متتسعمين موسيقى، هاي شلهة علاقة...اكيد اتطلع و بقوة إلى لقاء او مكالمة، بس بعد ما اجة الوكت المناسب لهذا...اهتمي بكل الأمور الحلوة، و تأكدي دائماً اكو امل، و اكو اصدقاء، يبحثون عن الصداقة فقط بعيد عن كل المصالح الدنيوية...فكري بهؤلاء الناس، هكذا اناس يجب ان نقتدي بهم...الحمد لله الأمور جيدة، لكن ما كل ما يتمنى المرء يدركه، رُبَ امريءٍ حتفه في ما تمناه، آني مؤمن بهذا الشي...الحمد لله و الشكر على كل شي...حالتي احسن من حالة كثير من الناس...الله يديم المحبة...اكيد يجب ان اهديلج موسيقى رائعة، اتمنى ان تتأملين بيهة:

Happy Thanksgiving

Hi guys...
Today will be Thanksgiving day.......or Turkey day, because Turkey will be the main dish in this
Happy Thanksgiving to everyone...
Few days ago, I had kind of argument with an officer called(R) in my team, but then everything going well, you know guys, I discover something in my personality: first of all, I have swimming mood, and get angry quickly...the only thing calm me down when I'm angry or mad from something, the musics...I go and grab my gadget, and start listening to the musics...It doesn't matter Arabic or English that music as It matters be sad or happy one...

Messages fro my heart to her heart:
Hi sweet heart, off course I'm missing you, I got your SMS yesterday, and I was very happy, I'm always pray for you, you are not just in my mind, but in my heart, believe me or not, whenever I got back from mission, the first thing I did, check in my cell phone inbox, to see if I got new message from you.
How do you feel right know?How is your mom and dad and the others?
Please keep In touch whenever you get free time.

Friday, November 21, 2008

First day without Mask! 21 Nob, official day to ban mask

That WAS Iraqi Interpreter's mask

Hi all

Yes , Here we are, this is the first day without mask, know, I cannot tell you what's my feelings..........I just want to tell about one funny thing happened with me this morning, when we attended meeting with Iraqis...when he saw me without mask, he asked me, If I'm new interpreter with this team???!!! believe or not, I was working with this guy almost one year, and he couldn't recognize me by my voice, that was realy funny!!!off course I answerd him by: Yes, I'm new, but deep down, I was saying: Hey man!you don't remember me!, I'm that guy with full mask the way, I even didn't take my mask off even during the launch....when the Iraqis invite us..........

I just was wanting to mention to first day without mask, but off course, here I have to thank my mask..........I was really agressive with it, since one year and a half , my mask with me, in conflicts and meeting........eating.........or Hamvees and tanks, in dismounting........and shooting...........I'll never forget, you were the reason to be alive for more than one year and a half..............It's time for retirement, or to be honest with you............they fired you.........I'll never forget you , I wont.....
here just I want to send my warm regards to The Sweet Heart, she knows hereself,I realy miss you, how are you? I got all your SMS, I hope all your family doing well, you know: you cannot imagne my happiness when I received your SMS, waw.......thanks for keeping send SMS, take care of your study.......and as I told you, one day we will meet each other......
Sorry to all of you, I know, many mistakes in this post(as usual), but at least...I still posting...see you next time.

Saturday, November 8, 2008

أنتهت القصة، فقط لإني أحببتكِ فعلاً

أحببتها بكل الألوان...

حبٌ عُذريٌ خالٍ من أي طغيان...

نيةٌ بيضاء و الله شاهدٌ على كلِ لحظة من الزمان...

أحببتها كما يحب الفنان الفرشة التي يوزعُ بها الألوان...

لم أسئلها:شيعيةٌ أم سُنّيةٌ أم مسيحيةٌ أو كرديةٌ أم أنتِ فقط إنسان...

ذَكَرَتني بماضٍ عانيتُ منهُ الأمرّان...

حتى عائلتِها، احببتُهُم من كلامِها عنهم بِحنان...

و والدها الذي تمنيتُ أن ألتقي به لِلَحظة من لحظاتِ الزَمان...

تَعلَقَت بي كأني صديقٌ وفيٌ من الجان...

تحكي له و هيَّ متأكدة أنّ سِرها لن يَصِلَ لإيّ إنسان...

عَلَمَتني بِرغم صُغرِ سِنِها إننا لدينا رِسالة مآلها إلى الرحمن...

لم أراها او حتى أسمع صَوتُها الذي أعتَقِدُ إنهُ أجملِ الإلحان...

مَلَئَت حياتي لإشهُر قليلة و شَخبَطتها بلوحة بأجملِ الألوان...

تَملَئُني الفرحة و الإبتسامة و أنا أراها مرتاحةٌ تروي لي ما حَصَلَ في يومِها المليء بالفرحةِ و الأحزان..

و أبكي في داخِلَ نفسيّ عندما أراها بحاجةٍ لمساعدة و يَدي و جسمي عاجزٌ عن الحركة كأنهما متكتفان..

لا أملكُ غيرَ جِهازٍ رنان، هو الوسيلة بينَ أيِّ صديقان...

أراها أكبر في عُمرِها من أيِّ إنسان...

لكن في داخِلِها، طِفلةٌ بريئةٌ، تبحثُ

عن أسئلةٍ توقفَ عِندها عقلُ الإنسان...

عَلّمتني كيفَ أعشَقُ الحياة، حتى و إن عَلِمتُ أن موتي سوف يحصل في اي لحظةٍ من الزمان...

هل كنتُ بعيداً عن رَبِّ الأكوان!...

و كانت سبباً لي لكي أرجعَ إلى هِدايةِ الرحمن؟

لا أعلم،،،لكن أستطيع أن أقول: سوف أبتعد عنها في هذا الأوان...

لإني سَأُشغِلُها في أمور في غِنى عنها في هذهِ الفترة من الزمان...

لا رسائل و لا إيميلات و لا مسجات مني بعدَ الآن...

لمصلحتها في هذا الوقت المُحرِج من الزمان...

سوفَ أبتعِدُ عنها، لإني أحببتها بصدقٍ، و سوف لن أرضى لها، أيُّ هَوان...

شكراً لَكِ، لإنَكِ كُنتِ سَطراً و ليس نُقطة في تاريخ إنسان...

شكراً لَكِ، لإنَكِ سمحتِ لي بالدخول في عالَمِكِ المليء بالوردِ و الريحان...

شكراً لكِ، لإنَكِ عَلَّمتِني ما لم اتعلمه من قبل من أي إنسان...

شكراً لكِ، لإنَكِ أعطيتِني الفرصة لإن أعيشَ لإشهُر لحظة من أروع لحظات عمريّ الذي كان...

أحببتُكِ من كُلِ قَلبي... ليس أنتِ فقط، بل كل الأشخاص الذين أرتبطوا بهذه اللوحة الرائعة من هذا الفنان...

أحرقي أوراقي و أنسي مسجاتي و امسحي ارقامي و إيميلاتي، فالأمر خرجَ عن السيطرة و الكُتمان...

أقولُها بصوتٍ عالٍ، لكن في جزيرة نائية، لا يتواجد فيها لا من الإنسِ و لا من الجان...

أحببتُكِ كزوجةٍ لا صديقة، أحببتُكِ أمَ أولادي لا عشيقة، لكن في الوقت و المكان الغير صحيحان...

سوف لن أنساكِ و تأكدي، سوف نلتقي في يومٍ من الزمان...

و سلامي إلى عمي، و أقولُ لهُ، كُنتُ فِعلاً إنسان، و قررت أن أخرج من حياتِها لكي أبقى إنسان...

Friday, October 24, 2008

أغتيال المترجمين العراقيين

أغتيال المترجمين العراقيين...

توقعنااااااااااااااااااها منك ايها الجنرال، لكن ليست بهذه السرعة...تقتلنا و نحن أحياء...لكم الحق ان تفرحوا برؤوسنا، يا فرق الموت، لكم الحق ان تفرحوا برؤوسنا ايتها الميليشيات و القاعدة.. لكم الحق ان تفرحوا برؤوسِ أُهديت لكم على طبقِ من ذهب...فقد خلعنا اقنعتنا... فهلموا لترووا وجوهنا...لم افهم السبب وراء هذا القرار الغبي... لكن الذي حصل حصل، و ليس هنالك شيء سوف يتغير... بالنسبة لي، سوف استمر... ما بدأته يجب ان ينتهي، و لقد تعلمت منهم، المخاطرة...سوف لن اقول صديقي... و لن اقول اخي، فقد تتحسس من الكلمة، لكن ايها القاريء العراقي الكريم... الم تسأل نفسك لماذا هذا الجندي يأتي إلى العراق و هو يعيش في الجنة على حسب ما تقول انت، لماذا يضحي بكل شيء ليأتي إلى العراق...بلد الموت... في حين اهله يبحثون و يحفرون في الصخرو يجيبون الأنهار، ليخرجوا منه.......اسألوا بحور اسبانيا و ايطاليا و اراضي اليونان، اسألوا سجون كل الدول، كم من المهاجرين العراقيين تحتجز... الكل يريد الهروب منه و هم يأتون إلينا... الم تتفكر من كل هذا...اسمعك تقولها....نعم اسمعها......ماذا تقول::خائن...جاسووس...عميل..........و إن يكن.......فأنا مقتنع بكل شيء افعله...بالنسبة لي إني فخور بما اعمله...................بعد كل فترة الخدمة التي عملتها، عرفت ما هو العراقي، و ماذا يحدث في العراق... من هو الامريكي و كيف ينظر، دعنا نقول، الجندي الأمريكي، لإن الشعب مسكين و هو لايعلم ما يحصل، فكيف له ان يعلم و هو جالس اما شاشة التلفاز.لكن بنفس الوقت فشعبنا شعب تناقضات، نعم اقولها، نحن لسنا شعب متكامل، و صدقوني كله من يدنا...لا تقنعني، بالإيراني، و السوري و اللبناني و تنظيم القاعدة............آآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآه لما تحمل الآه من معاني............سوف يأتي اليوم، الذي تروى فيه القصص، سوف يأتي اليوم الذي تُكشف فيه كل الحقائق...فقط وددت أن ابدي اعجابي بقرار الجنرال الأمريكي، الذي استطاع ان يبرز عضلاته علينا...لكن تأكد، سوف اظل اعمل، حتى تقولها لي بعظمة لسانك...احببت عملي لإنه اعطاني الحياة لي و لعائلتي... فسوف لن اتركه بهذه السهولة...مهما قلتم سوف لن اهتم...في جعبتي الكثير الكثير لهذه المدونة التي رجعت إليها بعد سبات عميق...سوف ادون من كل مكان و في اي مكان...افتقد المترجمين العراقيين في التدوين، هنالك البعض، سوف احاول ان اجمع فتاتهم و اضعه في مدونتي...رغم كل ما قابلته في هذا العمل... إلا أنني عشقته، أراني الجميل و السيء في بلدي، و في الثقافات الأخرى... قد لا تستحق ان تخاطر في حياتك لإجل اي شيء، لكنني فعلتها...لا اعلم لماذا اكتب هذا الكلام...لكنه الليل و ما يحويه من بنات افكاري...لديّ الكثير مما اقوله، لكن لم تكن لدي الشجاعة لكي اتكلم...ها أنا اليوم على مشارف اللعبة، او كما نسميها في المصطلح السياسي المستخدم من قبل أخواننا!!! البرلمانيين...بداية النهاية... على مشارف ان اخرج من هذه اللعبة، لكن يجب ان اعطي كل حقِ حقه....سوف أعد منهاج كامل لهذه المدونة، سوف اعيد ترتيبها، سوف اعمل لأجل البقية...فخسارة شخص هينة لكن خسارة اشخاص ليس بالأمر الهيّن، ليس لدي العصا السحرية، لكن سوف استجمع كل ما اريد ان اقوله و لم اقله في خلال السنوات الأثنين الماضية...أراكم في امان الله

Assassination for All Iraqi Interpreters.....Have the United States did it on purpose............for me, they did on purpose...

Assassination for All Iraqi Interpreters

I'm so sorry about what the MNF-I (Multi-National Force in Iraq) commander did few days ago......

He made the decision of assassinate for all Iraqi Interpreters!!! Yes He did it, and nobody knows why he issued that decision........
There is no clarification of this decision except, trying hard to enforce us to get out from this job by ourself, they don't like to say.......or actually they cannot do it directly, so they do it in diplomatic way as Americans did always.

They issued a new rule say:


It's like they want to say :


Yes, that was the truth, and I challenge any body has ability to give me another reason that make this commander took decision such this.
But believe me or not..........from the beginning, we had knew such thing will happen to us after withdrawal of CA(collision forces)? We had knew either if our people will not kill us and will forgive us it will be countries, agencies, organization, special groups, or even the IG(Iraqi Government) will still looking for us and kill us, we had knew it will be one day, the database of hiring company of local interpreters will steal.........and that happened few days's not a rumor and there is no need to bother your POC to enforce him to call the company and ask them is something like this happened or not................there is no smoke without fire.................
400 names had stolen from database system in BAGHDAD in that fortified zone as they call's not by accident..........what do you thing when you hired local employees in corporation in charge originally of hiring local interpreters..............does that make sense????????!!!!!.
Friend of mine, He is working outside of Baghdad, he got question by commender of company...........that commander told him, depends on new rule from division commander of CA, Interpreters no more allow to put on mask to cover his face........, when he ask him , why? What's the idea behind this stupid decision? He gave him unaccepted excuse...........He says, the situation is getting better, and people should feel of security gainings!........and he added: and to let the ISF (Iraqi security Forces) feel better by showing them by take the mask off, that we trust them...................
What the hell is going on??????????????
does that make sense??????????
why Mr. Commander you did that? All that because you don't like Iraqis immigrant to states? Or,you want to hear the interpreters say: ok I'll put the mask, and then you will have good reason to fire him? Or you did it for IRAQ? Or it's the latest technique to decrease the amount of Interpreters No., or it's new way to get rid of all interpreters!!!
I'd like to hear from you!!!!!!!!!I know no more guys read my blog as I didn't update it from a long time, but I'd like to hear from you, give me just one reasonable reason my reader, give one reasonable reason American citizen ! Give me one reasonable reason human beings enforce that commander made decision like this.........
believe me or not, when I begun this job, I was know very well, that the death will be our faith, so it doesn't matter no more... I'll continue work until the last breath, not for the Iraq, not for the SIV, not for the Americans................but For live(for the money that I use to feed my family)
I know 99% of Iraqis and Arabs, right now say: you deserve it, that's the end of each traitor..spy.. agent...but I don't care, I'm who I'm...
I'm proud of what I did(personally I'm really proud), I'm proud not because I collaborate with the occupier and proud because I serve my country, nooooooooooooooo

I'm proud because:

I didn't steal anything before or after 2003 at all...
I didn't hurt anybody, Iraqi or non-Iraqi...
My hand doesn't get mixed with Iraqi blood, I didn't shoot even blank round against any animal...
I didn't persecute anybody in my life...
I don't have hostility against any one...
I didn't make fake degree certification just to be employ in this ministry or that office.
I didn't give bribe to take something not belong to me and it's not my right.
I'm not one of the persons who assassinate the University Professors, Doctors, Merchants, teacher, servants, workers, or the life in Iraq in direct way or indirectly(bombs ...etc..)
I'm not one of the parliaments who they urge the great young guys to fight each others and kill each others while he is stay sitting down on his chair office.
I'm not one of the SOI leader who made big fortune by contract he made with Americans or IG...
I'm not that mercenary guy who kills people for money..........

believe me Mr. Commander...I know my people more than you, I will not say...either I love Iraq and I work for it nor I love America and work for's common interest, I like my job, because easily, It gave me another chance to be least for one more minute...I like anything will give one more minute to be alive in the country of Death.

But one day, the truth will appear

For more details:

Monday, October 20, 2008

كلمة واحدة قد تُفهم بعدة اوجه، قد تؤدي إلى نهاية أي نوع من العلاقات إلى الهلاك...شخابيط و رسالة شخصية من مترجم

This time, I'll post in Arabic,I konw, there is no people continue reading my blog that its blogger give up to post...
But as I said before,this is my blog.
This post will be for one person(just if you have free time to read, read it,otherwise,give up reading)

كلمة واحدة قد تُفهم بعدة اوجه، قد تؤدي إلى نهاية أي نوع من العلاقات إلى الهلاك...شخابيط و رسالة شخصية من مترجم

أعتقد انها النهاية لكن لا اتمنى ان تكون...

الشيء الجميل، أن هذه المدونة، لم تُقرأ من قبل القراء من فترة طويلة، قد يكون السبب، لإنشغالي، او لتكاسلي عن التدوين، لهذا سوف اكتب بأريحية كبيرة خصوصاً و ان هذه التدوينة تعني لي الكثير و سوف اكتبها بالعربية...

السبب الرئيسي لهذه المدونة، إني اليوم قد خسرت صديقة عزيزة جداً، لا اعلم بالضبط، هل خسرتها للأبد، ام ماذا...رسالئلها التي اتوق لرؤيتها كل صباح، تبهرني و تكّمل لي الصورة التي ارسمها عنها... فعلاً انها انسانة رائعة و فريدة من نوعها... عرفتها من سؤال غريب وردني على الإيميل الخاص بي.
كان سؤال ليس ككل الأسئلة التي وردتني على الإيميل، مع ان المضمون كان واحد لكن الفكر كان مختلف تماماً.
ابهرتني بهذا السؤال، مع اهدافها النبيلة من ورائه.
منذ الحادي عشر من شهر آب و الرسائل مستمرة بيننا، تطورت هذه الرسائل، لتصبح مسجاب موبايل، فرحتي كانت لا توصف للقاء شخص بهذا التفكير و المنطق السليم، اتفقنا على عدة امور، منها ان لا يكون بيننا اتصال، فقط مسجات، و بالفعل و كعادتي، في احترام الإتفاقيات، كنت منضبط إلى ابعد الحدود، رسمت لها صورة في مخيلتي، ليست لها وحدها، بل لوالدها التي كلمتني عنه و الذي هو وافق بروحهة الرائعة ان ترسل لي رسالة نصية من هاتفها المحمول.
كعادتنا نحن معشر المترجمين(الخونة، الجواسيس) كما يطلقون علينا...كعادتنا، التكتم، هو سر مهنتنا، حتى هذه المدونة، لا احد يعرف عنها شيئاً، عدا قرائي في العالم الإنترنيتي.
استمرت رسائلنا، و بدوري استمريت في ارسال الرسائل لها، كانت تحكي لي، و احكي لها، فعلاً كنت بأمس الحاجة لإنسان لا اعرفه معرفة شخصية في العالم الحقيقي، كنت بأمس الحاجة لأن اتكلم معه، افضفض له ما بنفسي، بمعنى آخر، اصبحت هي المدونة التي اكتب لها...
ما يحدث لي في كل يوم...اكتبه لها في رسائل نصية على الموبايل، بالضبط... بدأت التدوين لشخص واحد... لكنه ليس اي شخص، فهو شخص الهمني بروحه الرائعة، و اخلاقه الرفيعة، و ثقافته النيّرة، شخص تعلمت منه الكثير من الأمور رغم صِغَر سِنهِ، التمست في كلامه حب الوطن، بدون مغالاة او طائفية، و بدون اي مصالح عنصرية... كان اشبه مايكون بالملاك.
الشيء الذي لا يعرفه هذا الشخص... ان الموبايل كان مفتوح لإجله، و له فقط، لم اكن استلم اي رسالة إلا منه...
الحقيقة تُقال يا معشر القوم...لقد عشقته عشق عفوي، اخوي، عراقي إن صح التعبير، بدون ان اعرفه...و الله شاهد إني كنت سليم النيّة، سبحان الله... احمده على كل شيء.
ما طمئنني اكثر، إن والده كان يعلم بالرسائل التي بيننا، و هذا شيء فرحت له كثيراً كثيراً، عندما كانت ترسل لي سلام والدها، كنت اتخيله واقف بجانبها و هو يقول لها سلمي لي على سامي...
من معرفتي بهم، خلال فترة شهرين و نصف، كانوا فعلاً نٍعمَ الأصدقاء و العائلة الرائعة..
حتى جاء موعد رسالة الكترونية بيننا، عندما كتبت جملة او عبارة، كانت تحتوي الآتي:
اكو شغلات متنحجي، بس لكونج غريبة و ما اعرفج، فما اعتقد هذا يعتبر تباهي او شي من هذا القبيل،

أخذت هذه الجملة بحساسية كبيرة، خصوصاً بعد شهرين و نصف من المعرفة، قد يكون الأمر غريب و لعلك تقول، شهرين و نصف و على النت، لاشيء ، فماذا تعتقد، طبعاً إنها فترة ليست كافية لأي شيء.

لكن بحكم الرسائل الي كانت بيننا، بحكم السلام الذي كان بيننا، اقول لك انت مخطيء تماماً، كنت اعرفها و لازلت، حق المعرفة، كل كلمة كنت احس بمصداقيتها، و كأننا نتكلم وجهاً لوجه، لن اقول لك اني رأيت صورتها او استمعت إلى صوتها، لكن احسست بصدق كلامها الذي سطّرتهُ لي في رسائلها، و الله شاهد على ما اقول، و بدوري، كنت صادق معها في كل كلمة قد كتبتها.

العبارة التي قلتها، مرتبطة بعبارات بعدها و قبلها، و هي تعرف تماماً ما اتحدث عنه، لكن كان قصدي من باب ما معناه:
عندما تعطي بيمينك، احرص على ان لا تعرف يسارك (عندما تعطي بيدك اليمنى، احرص على ان لا تعرف يدك اليسرى).
هذا كان القصد، و لم اكن اقصد، أني اتبرأ من شهرين و نصف من معرفتي بكِ، او إني لا اعرفك تمام المعرفة.
أستفزتها هذه الجملة كثيراً لدرجة انها بعثت لي بسمجات ثلاثة على الموبايل، و ملخصها يقول:
مراح بعد اكدر احجيلك

لم استطع حتى ان ارد على مسجاتها، فقد رفضت و قطعت كل الأواصر، لقد قالتها بصريح العبارة، هل كانت حقاً تعني ما تقول، هل انتهى كل شيء بهذا البساطة، نعم...لم يكن هنالك شيء، لكن هل صداقة او معرفة لمدة شهرين تنتهي بهذه المأساوية خلال ٢٤ ساعة....كنت في حالة يرثى لها، لم استطع الرد على مسجاتها، لإنها قالت ان الأمر انتهى... كيف ارد على مسجاتها... لكن فكرت ان ارد عليها عن طريق المدونة... فهي ملاذي الوحيد... فعلاً بحاجة لك يا عمي العزيز(والدها)، هل عنده علم بكل الذي جرى!!! لا اعلم لكن حسب علمي، انه على دراية بكل شيء، حتى بمسجاتنا، هل إني اخطأت، او الآخرين فسروا كلامي خطأً،...
لا اعتقد ان الذي ينكسر قد يتصلح... لكن، تأكدي، إن اخترتي ان تنهي كل هذا، فسوف لن امانع...لكن بنفس الوقت...سوف لن انساكِ و انسى عمي و خالتي و كل العائلة التي كلمتني عنهم، سوف تبقى دردشتك و كلامك سراً محفوراً في ذاكرتي فقط، و لن يخرج لإنسان ثالث، يجب ان تتأكدي من هذا الشي...
أما ما انا متأكدٌ منه... أننا سوف نلتقي يوماً ما... فالدنيا صغيرة جداً جداً.
يا جماعة صدقوني، كنت اصعد إلى الطابق الثالث و اقف في اعلى نقطة موجودة لإرسل رسالة وحدة لها ، و كم من المرات خذلتني الشبكة و اقف لمدة ساعة او ما يقاربها فقط لإرسل رسالة لها، فهل هذا يُفسَر على انه، لا اعرف الإنسان و هو غريب عني، لم يكن المقصود بذلك السطر هذا المعنى...
لا اعرف ماذا اقول بعد...
صباحاً كنت حزين جداً و مغثوث لدرجة كبيرة، رأيت دموعي على وجنتيّ، و كانت تستحق ان تكون هناك، و التمست الأعذار لصاحبة الرسالة، فقد تكون في جو غير طبيعي، او قد كانت تعني ما تقول، نعم هو رثاء لنفسي قبل كل شيء، لكن هذه هي المرة الثانية التي ذرفت فيها الدمع... لظلم وقع عليّ.
لعل مدونتي، لم تكن كما توقّعها الآخرون، لكن بالنسبة لي، قد ساعدت الكثير من الناس، بشكل او بآخر عن طريق الإيميل الذي كان موجوداً في المدونة، و الذي هو كان بداية تعّرفي بهذه الإنسانة...
كما قلت انها شخابيط مترجم لا زال على قيد الحياة.

Sunday, July 27, 2008

what's going on nowadays...

Hi , how are you? Different topics,take my attention nowadays, and different funny video I'd like to share with you... First of all, let me show you what's going these days in Faluja and Ramadi which was the hottest area one day...................... believe it or not.............

this is KFC in Faluja, yes itsn't real franchise, they just taken the name.
“it a successful experiment that the city of Fallujah are open to the world and are currently receiving all manifestations of modernity and Western restaurants,most of our costumers from young people like to get out on the tradition even in the food and experience of those meals, especially meat and cheese segments which are in demand, adding that the love of change pushed me to go to this type of work “, the owner of the KFC fast food, Omar Kazem said.
Source: Arabic report

We are busy nowadays for security preparation for annual anniversary of Imam Musa Ja'far Al-Kazem's death (the seventh of the Twelver Shia Imams., more information about Imam Musa Ja'far Al-Kazem,you can find it below:

Our work will be ensure protection for all visitors, and make sure everything is going smoothly.
The idea is, the people will come from all parts of Iraq, towards the capital Baghdad, and visit his shrine in Khadimiya, that means all troops will be stand by in whole Iraq.
Three more things here:
1-this is a Shiite ceremony.
2- normally, you going to see a lot of tents set in the streets and roads,so the visitors can sit down and take rest in these tents, you going to see people standing beside these tents, some of them cooking food and feed the visitors and the others serve water and Iraqi tea (Chi) to the visitors.
3- you going to see colored flags waving on the main road, and you use to see most of people come to Baghdad on foot, and you use to see pople doing these things (even I don't know what you call what they do):

Here are two selected videos from YouTube about this special ceremony.

last thing
here is video my email got, it's funny video you aren't going to understand what is that guy saying, the video is normal but the interpretation comment, is funny, he say:

Conda: Hello Jalal
Jalal: hello Conda
Conda: thank you very much
Jalal: “ keep kissing Conda and saying” I fall in love with you, I fall in love with your father, I fall in love with America,I fall in love with all of you, (Conda say: that's enough, stop kissing) I fall in love with all people like you(america), I fall in love with you, without you help, I'm not the president right now,(Conda say: thank you thank you) I fall in love with you, I fall in love with any person fall in love with you

See you guys... next post.

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Keeping Blogging More Difficult Than Army Missions

Keeping Blogging More Difficult Than Army Missions
Firstly, I'd like to thank everyone contacted me by Email for asking, thanks to all readers, thanks Neorotica, thanks MrGhost, I had seen my interview and I like the picture you put it.
I'd like to say big " Hi " to Sam, and thanks God you back to your out post safely, Welcome Back buddy!
During my vacation , I was still thinking about my blog, and I'd like to write in the future,I got lots Email, most of them positive and the others are just bullshit, to be honest with you, I had thought to shut my blog off,and never back to it, many Emails i had been received affect in me, I also thought to create new blog but in Arabic, so may be I can help the people by giving them some helpful guidance and instruction about how to deal with army during any raid or search operations, many Emails had received asking me to guide them to that corporation that hired us, and how to deal with their exam, I helped them by telling them where can they go? and what type of questions they gonna expect!, Email from Media Organization and cyber organization invite me to participate with them making news and various reports specially about Iraq.
One type of Emails took my attention, that was for those guys would like to work as Interpreter!, I ask myself many times! Am I doing the right thing when I helped them and told them where and when should they go? few days ago when I discussed this issue with my workmate "S", he gave me negative view point, He told my:
S:why are you putting a mask when we go mission?
Me: honestly,because I don't trust people, and I don't know who gonna meet in place we going to
S: So what's your guarantee that the person you gave him help by Email,wont be one of untrust people you try to avoid?! what's your guarantee that the person you gave him help wont come in in our base by chance?!
Me: I don't know, I didn't think about all that, I just think about one thing when I received his/her Email, I thought he need help, and should be help him, because one day I was need this help and wish some one help just to help, not because I'm his relative or I'm from his neighborhood or we are from the same sectarian, or same religion.
S: Help yourself and then help the others
I thought about what he said, and honestly It makes sense, but, I have to help them,whatever their evil plan or thoughts, I got back to my memories when I had nothing to go to college at that time and I need just to know the place and the way to that corporation makes hire for people as interpreters.
May be I'm wrong, but I did that with goodness intention, and there is another thing, If some thing wrong happen to them, will it be my fault? I felt guilt, and I need your view of point about this issue,what do you thing SAM, Do I did mistake? what do you thing Neurotica? You are in Iraq, and you know what I mean literally.
everything was going good in final exam, I got back about 7 days ago, and directly went and doing some missions and raids,my family gave me a call last night telling me, my brother was succeed and pass to next class, he is in college too, really was a good news.
A lot of thing in my mind nowadays about blog and family and my future, I will talk about that next post.
Now I leave you with some pictures I took them last vacation, these pictures can give you a side from our life in our Iraq and gonna get Iraqis live abroad sweet memories about these places... have enjoy!!!
Two storey Bridge in Al-Jadirya neighborhood (Jisir abo Al-tabekain), near one of the International Zone's Entrance, if you keep going under bridge, you will reach at

Abdul Aziz al-Hakim house, leader of Supreme Council for the Islamic Revolution in Iraq, before these houses were belong to Saddam's followers,LOL, the house still house but its owner recently is the opposite of the first owner,hahahahaaaaaaaaaaaa.As we say in Arabic: day with you and day against you.

Square intersection near that Bridge
another side view for that Square intersection
Road leads to Liberty Square intersection ( Al-Hurreya square), Look at the picture at power pole,It's for Abdul Aziz al-Hakim's brother, he passed away in Samara' shrine blast which was the first spark that led to Sunni and Shiite fighting lately
Related pictures about Abdul Aziz Al- Hakim(I'm always say: Politics is a dirty game)
The Seal for Ice Cream shop,I think, the oldest and most famous Ice Cream shop(Al-Faqma Ice Cream) in Baghdad(until now, most Iraqi people going to this place and hanging ou over there specially at sunset time)
Al-Karada neighborhood(outside Karada) (Al-Karada Kharej), one of the biggest christian neighborhood in Baghdad,before it was famous by its Top Fashion shops, but now, it's famous by its power generator's shops and Air cooler's shops (the most profit business in our Iraq)
Green Air coolers on the left side
Finally this Folkloric song for all readers, especially Iraqis:

See you next time...

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Mother's day

It's a quick post!
I'm just would like to say:
Happy Mother's day for all mothers around the world,
And special Congratulations to my mom, I love you mom...

Thursday, May 8, 2008

SOI,two sides of one coin!

Hi folks...

I was in desert base(as I call it) few days ago, the base we belong to ,actually we had a meeting over there,Iraqi-American meeting,to be more clear,SOI(Sons Of Iraq)- American meeting, SOI as American call them recently and CLC (Concern Local citizen) previously.

If you're tracking with news, the Americans began this new experiment in Ramadi (west of Iraq) when the American leadership decided to support the tribes and people over there in order to quit Al-Qa'eda at that time,I think Americans have succeeded in Ramadi,and the reason was that Al-Qa'eda didn't has deeply relationship with the people in Ramadi,I agree the people in Ramadi supported and helped Al-Qa'eda by joining to them and make their houses as a safe place for them,but when Al-Ramadi people decided to awake from their sleeping, they did a good job,everyone knows by money you can solve any problems, so the American understood the game's rules at that time,they provided the tribes members with all weapon's type, they provided them by the money and the power, nowadays...Al-Ramadi is one of the safest place for American and Interpreters(lol), when I was in Green Zone to hire,I asked that person who is in charge about sending people to all bases around Iraq, I asked him, if he has vacancy job in west of Iraq (Al-Ramadi),but he told me, they are full, they don't need more terps over there.

The Americans tried to do the same successful experiment with the other side, I mean JAM(Jaish Almehdi-Almehdi Army), but as I saw here around my sector, they failed,keep in your mind that you can ceduce JAM easily, not like Al-Qa'eda,I heard that from Americans themselves,one of them told me,Al-Qa'eda has their ideology,he came here to die, he is still in front of you until you kill him or he kill you,they don't care about the money as much as JAM care, now of course, you ask yourself,if they care about the money,we can use the same way we used it in Al-Ramadi???,Yes, that's right, but here we have another factor stronger than money, that thing is: Family ties.

Imagine with me:

I'm Shiite,I'm working as interpreter,of course I've a relative has contacts with JAM directly or indirectly,let's say he is just supporter,when someone catch me and I'm in Shiite neighborhood, who will release me???of course my relative (keep in your mind not all Shiite have contacts with JAM, but most of them, about (90%),in addition,most of Shiite (if we don't say all) nowadays employees in MOI (Ministry Of Interior). would like to hear facts, no problem,let me tell you:

The team who i work with responsible to train and support X Iraqi forces, one day when we were over there, one of them asked us about our salary,and one of my coworker told him the right amount we got,then he asked us about how many days we take every month?at that time I told him we take vacation days every three or six month and honestly the vacation days depends on the unit you work with!, at that time one of them jump in the middle and said: I think you take 4 days every month(lol), it's not big deal if someone knows that, but he told us that with confirmation sign draw-ed on his face, then he begun talk with us in English language(lol),soldier in Iraqi forces speaks clear english language(wow),he is better than me(believe me hahahaaaa, yes he is better than me),the same coworker of mine told him directly, were you interpreter before??,of course, he said: no, and then after talking with him about 15 minutes, he said: my brother is interpreter!!!, that's great, he is in Iraqi forces and his brother interpreter with Coalition forces,actually it doesn't make sense,I know if you are not Iraqi you never understand why that situation is strange (because the Iraqi people look at the terps as a big fortune,he can ask ransom from his family if catch him),let me continue that story,my coworker felt more safe when he heard that soldier's brother is terp too,so he summons the courage and ask him the question that is always in our mind(the question of million $), he asked him of course all that in English language around 6 guys,but you know nobody knows English, so they were like a deaf in the wedding party as we said in Arabic proverb,he asked him exactly this question:"OK brother let me ask this question and i hope you be honest and strait with me,if you saw me in normal life (civilian life) will you do something to me?", I didn't imagine he asked him that stupid question, but the guy respond him honestly and told him (if I see you , I'll never do anything,because the Americans survived me twice,and you are belong to Americans and the second thing is, my brother interpreter, so what will i do with you,someone will do with my brother whatever when, but I can not guarantee that my coworkers will let you go,they will catch you and then they will sell you to another group if they don't have possibilities to make a ransom with your family,and of course the will kill you if they make sure you are involved about any issue related with them", by the way,Al-Qa'eda will never ever release you and they will tear you neck directly(as we said(the interpreters) you will be a little bit lucky if JAM catch you).

He never shocked me, because I know that very well,then we finished our conversation and return to Arabic language.

I forgot something to tell you, I asked him before we finished our conversation,don't be scared when you are talking with us in English language in front of them, and he said, everyone here knows that I'm college student and all studying materials in English language!, for the readers I'd like to tell them nobody can handle any conversation with any English native language person because he is college student!!! and there is another thing I'd like to tell you,most of our soldier didn't finish their high school if I don't say their primary school.

So,family ties is stronger than money and the strategy we used it in Al-ramadi is not efficient with JAM.

But I think the JAM is smart ass enough to paly "Cat and mouse game" with the Americans,so you can see the SOI leaders,the same guys were fight-ed and argued the people to fight the Americans in the past, nowadays riding BMW tracks and have that steal shining weapons and each SOI member gets about 300$ each month when the fresh graduated guy get about 200$ if he is lucky and found a job.

Do you think that is fair!!!

Let me read your comment, but I think It's fair in our new Iraq!,because the voice of arms is stronger than any other voice.


I'd like to mention to my readers that my blog had a sister now,yes,It is a new terp blog,his blog has a great English writing skills(not like me, too far from perfect as Abbas hawazin said (lol)), by the way Mr. Abbas, you mentioned to my blog at but the link moves you to another site, I'd like to say Hello and welcome to blog-sphere SAM, your blog is the best supporter to me,because nobody can feel us like ourselves,I discovered your blog yesterday by Hayder alkoie blog(eye raki), I read all your posts yesterday and right now I'm reading your new post:

"Americans most favorite questions to the interpreters "

I invite all reader concerns about Iraq to take a look on that great blog, It's really interesting and he needs your support as I need it, and I'll answer the questions that he posted in his blog in the comments fields.

As i said always:

Be in safe if you are in Iraq, see you later if you aren't from Iraq!!!!!

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Wawwwwwww, finally after one month and a half, i was in Baghdad two days ago,we had business over there,really i was missing Baghdad so much, I was missing everything in Baghdad from pedestrians to heavy traffic...etc, when we passed through Technology University, my memories get back about those day I spent it hanging out with my friend at Technology University to attend graduation parties.

I saw the students when they passed the high way by using the pedestrians bridge, it was just 10 seconds from the my Hammer vehicle's window but that moment refreshed my soul and got me back for few minutes to my normal personality (civilian personality).

Nowadays all Iraqi universities get prepare for graduation parties, i heard from people i already have contact with them that the parties will begin from today in some universities, like Baghdad University, and I heard from another new friend(you know yourself!) that the graduation party for Technology university will be on May 4Th I'd like to say thank you to his/her to inform me about the date of that party, waw I wish to be over there but actually this year I'm not in Baghdad, and it's very difficult to me even if i get permission from my boss to be there in exact time, because nobody can expect the weather and flying schedule.

I forgot to tell you something, we signed our new contract 3 days ago, honestly we got bonus 100$ as an extra above usual salary,so i invite all my readers on Pizza Hot,just come see me at any military base!!!.

Now , Titan (the old corporation) went away and a new corporation called GLS (Global Linguist Solution) came instead of Titan, if you wonder about the reason??????????? you can find it by searching on Internet, in addition of business reason i thing there is another reason about security issue and some issues like that as i read on Internet.

There is another thing I'd like to tell you about, that thing about my name, you can called me Sami, one of my best reader (best pen-pal friend), ask me about any name he/she can called me, so i choose Sami!!!!!!.

I'd like to put any picture in my blog from a while so the following below is a picture from FOB Prosperity in the center of Baghdad:

Be in safe if you are in Iraq, see you later if you aren't from Iraq!!!!!

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Heyyyyyyyyyyyy, I still live!

First of all, I apologize to all my readers about my absence for a while, but please give me the execution for that, I had realy busy those days(with Mahdi Army), from mission to mission, from house to house and from raid to raid, i never sat down if front of pc at all.

Now the situation is much better but it is still unstable.

I got a lot of Email during those days from all kinds of people around the world, and actually i'm trying to reply them this night after finishing this post.

Actually i missed Nerotica blog too much, but honestly i read her blog before jumping to my blog, she wll have a great vacation, hope you enjoy your vacation Nerotica.

I'll tell you about the the Email i got next post!

Friday, March 14, 2008

i know they will coming here!!!!!!!!!!!

It'll be a short post, they are coming here, the people that just has and knows the cursing words, their job is just cursing the other, welcome to my blog!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
From the first time i decided to publish my blog, i know you will coming here, but i never imagine you will cursing my readers, cursing me , talking shit on me, that's ok.... i'll bear all that, because when i decided to publishe this blog, i decided to be open for all peoples without any exception, even the comments moderation, i never limit it, but when you cursed my readers, it should be removed those comments and that what happend.
For all my readers,I'm here just to say my mind,i know very well i'll die here, i know that, and you can read what i wrote in the top of the blog..................." we are traitors and we are spies", i never beg you attention to read my blog, or beg your help to pick me up from Iraq, no you are wrong, I'm here for simple live because i never know how to kill and kidnapping people to join to milisha or tearing the neck to join to Al-Qa'da, so i tried to use my mouth to be just like a shadow or machine to translate from this to that.
you believe me or not, i don't care.
For the cursing people:
I know who are you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! because don't forget, i was with you sometime, and i have the truth that you already scared from it.
I have the truth from both sides American/iraqi so i know who i am.......
See you my friends next time if i still live to that time.

Monday, March 10, 2008

My best friends ...

For the first time in my life Spent vacation at home but feel any freedom, in spite of long-term leave, which exceeded ten days, but I did not mind at ease.
Working with the American forces relaxed somewhat especially nowadays, but when these forces working with Iraqi forces, this means more complications security.
The general view that says: each work has advantages and disadvantages.
In our work, there were two types of action:
One: there is no mixing with the Iraqis permanently, it is raids and cordon and searches, and this is relatively good, but this work is not for those with weak hearts, often if you are iraqi heart and mind have understanding with the soldiers on the agreed way in raids, some of them, especially with long experience, the Army fully trust them and give them confidence right to speak and express their opinions, and recommendations, and so on, either new entrants to the work, they were two types:
First type, he'll shocked for the first time, he felt Now the truth in front of him, not as seen on television, and at that moment, relying on his personality, will be asked to transfer to another unit in the hope that the new unit be different.
second type, is originally wanted to retaliate!!!!! Wants to show his allegiance to the Americans, believing him to be sincere in action can be obtained from coarse treatment and severe beatings of Iraqis either with or without cause. This was for the combat units, where most of its troops from young soldiers and sergeants.
There is another kind of work, and we call, advisers, and the team that is working on this subject, fully responsible for the Iraqi forces, whether army troops, or national guards or police, or border troops or special forces, it is important that be their mission and responsibilities associated with iraqi military unit. The advantages of these advisers units to be limited only to practical training then controling , in fact, you will not be in a raid, except in rare cases, because the Iraqi force will be with you, they will do it, and you just give tips for them. The disadvantages from this kind of work, you will be with the Iraqis at least twelve hours a day, and in this case you will be with them always, and this is off course, put yourself in critical positions, Imagine you are walking on the street and someone called you by your nickname What will your reaction at that time !!!!!In both cases, there is no room at all for dispensing with the best friend to the interpreter, that is being Sunglasses!!!!!!!!!!.
Off course my sunglasses my best friend, but should be say here, i have a lot of friends like, my mask, my conduct lenses,and their relatives!!!!!! hair style,eyebrow style!!!!!!!I know you are laughing now,but there is no comment, just join to us and you Will not see what you see in your life, you will see amazing things.See you next post.

Friday, March 7, 2008

Strange Community (Community of translators)

I did not imagine that we will get to that stage where I think that we Iraqis, particularly the community in which I live " translators community" insulting each other in fron of American, this is what happened today, three days after my return from leave.
Cursing and indecent words and threats, I already heard about that before, but the case is different if you hear these things in this community, every word is meaningful here, and especially the threat, we are special visitors for the so-called threat.
This is the second time that this guy (Zatot) threatens the person married his nickname is (Amlah). I was silent, and the American watching what is going on. I do not know why, I have seen the life is very mean, started thinking and getting why all these things heppen to us, quickly went(escaped) to the Internet, and opened neurotica's site and started read it.
From neurotica's site i'm always learing new words added by Neurotica in each post. I was really very lucky to have found Nirotka have added a new post at that moment(Eternal Peace) , when i read it i conclude one thing only in our story, that thing is tragedy.
I have no interesting now to write much, but I must write this time, i failed to write a post more than one time before but today with that situation I had to write to feel comfortable .
I must thank all the people who still supporting me and help indirectly, in everything, especially Dr. Faiza, and Ms. Fayrouz, and off course i'll never forget my inspirationdo who always led me and inspired me and by her words and her culture , my blogmate Neurotica. Finally I'd like to say to Neurotica the mercy of God to Teresa and all Iraqis.